Monday, 22 February 2016

Digital audio works

The students of 4th of ESO, during their Computing lessons with the topic "digital audio", have designed and created several audio fragments imitating some well-known movie scenes. I challenge you to identify and enjoy these examples:

Links to the original scenes, just to compare:    scene1:     scene2:    scene3       scene4:

The goal of these other projects was to produce listening activities to improve the listening-comprehending skills through the study of different topics such as music, languages, games,..
The result is a collection of educational resources which I suggest you to try in your classes.
Here you have some examples, there is a tasksheet and audio for each activity. Enjoy them.

Listening for young students. This is the printable sheet

Activity to study music. download the task sheet and the keys

Another one about music. Definitely they like music. Printable sheet and sheet of keys

Meaningful questions by students of 4th of ESO 

  • What is the difference between formats wav and mp3? 
  • How do I know if a sound has been made by a machine or by a human being? 
    • Is there any property or pattern that can help us to tell apart an artificial or natural sound? 
    • Is it possible to identify a human noise? 
  • Why do dogs hear different sounds and frequencies? 
  • The Big Bang was a liberation of gas, energy and particles. That should produce a shockwave that has achieved the present Earth … Scientists claim to have detected this wave, then, How that sound was transmitted through the universe if there is no air? 
  • From where does the sound in our dreams or thoughts come? 
  • What is the best material for sound to travel through? 
    • What are the parameters to say that one medium is better? 
      • Speed, clearness, beauty, harmony, musical considerations?

La Energía Eólica

Aprovechamiento de la Energía eólica.  Profesora: Mª José Catalán Villa

Los alumnos de 2º ESO han trabajado el tema de la Energía y sus formas y en concreto se ha centrado el  análisis en la Energía Eólica. El pasado mes de noviembre se visitó el aula de la Energía de Villacañas donde los chicos pudieron observar y manipular ciertos simuladores de energías (fotovoltaica, solar, cinética…), posteriormente subimos al parque eólico y se les explicó las partes y funcionamiento de un aerogenerador.
Como complemento a la actividad los alumnos han realizado y expuesto ante el resto de sus compañeros unos trabajos sobre los parques eólicos y la energía que proporcionan, haciendo hincapié en los lugares donde más parques eólicos existen, funcionamiento, potencia que generan, impacto ambiental que pueden producir, ventajas e inconvenientes, y por último los alumnos han debatido sobre posibles preguntas significativas que se han planteado acerca del tema en cuestión.
A continuación se muestran algunas fotos representativas de la actividad realizada: